However, it looks like a member of the Halo community wants to throw their own hat into the ring with their own jaw-dropping Unreal Engine 5 fan project. Titled ‘Fractured’, creator Infinite Forges - a level designer at Gearbox - has shown off their latest explorable experience in the video embedded below. It’s fantastic and well worth a watch. With a setting sun covering the map in an orange glow, the demo shows the player character explore a tropical local covered in palm trees and other lush flora, which clash perfectly against the hexagonal structures that make up the Zeta Halo and giant triangular Forerunner structures that you can see sparking overhead. Looking through the Infinite Forges channel, there are numerous videos cataloguing the different steps taken to bring this fan project to life. There are hours of live stream vods available to watch, so if you’ve ever been curious as to the process of creating one of these excellent Unreal Engine 5 fan projects that we’ve been covering on the site, this could be the perfect chance to find out. As for Infinite Forges, they’ve written in the description of their video on the Fractured demo that they intend to create many more for their channel, so it’s absolutely worth keeping an eye on them if you love what they’ve done here. For more Unreal Engine 5 coverage, check out our report on this hilarious Squirrel Unreal Engine 5 demo, as well as Gears 5 developer The Coalition working on their own Unreal Engine 5 projects moving forward.