Speaking with GI.biz, Ryan said during the time the initiative was live, the free games were redeemed 60 million times by PlayStation players. To help folks cope with the Covid-19 lockdowns, Sony released free games in two waves, providing folks with something nice in the midst of trying times. “It struck us as everybody was struggling with the first lockdown, we thought this would be a nice thing to do,” said Ryan. “We were able to do it and we were very happy with the reaction. “And then we got through Christmas and we started lockdown again, and everybody… it was a bit miserable. We thought it would be a nice thing to reprise. So we did it again, this time spread over a period of a number of months, and now actually 60 million games have been redeemed as part of that activity.” Play At Home debuted in April 2020, with users able to download Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey – or Knack 2, if you were in Germany or China. It was brought back in March this year, kicking things off with 2016’s Ratchet & Clank. Ten additional titles were added, including Abzu, Enter the Gungeon, Rez Infinite, Subnautica, The Witness, and Moss. The initiative closed things out in April with Horizon: Zero Dawn. Ryan said it’s possible Sony will reprise Play at Home should lockdowns once again occur.