Uploaded to Youtube by Enfant Terrible, this video compiles a range of Unreal Engine 5 projects from a range of talented creators, all of which lean into that dark tone that helps make Bloodborne the beloved game it is today. In it, we see rain-slicked streets, lavishly decorated mansions, ravaged and unkempt pathways and lofty spires reaching skyward. While occasionally the video is a touch jarring as different artists’ works splice into each other, the video does make a good case for setting a potential Bloodborne 2 in the engine. Some of the projects highlighted really do feel as though you could drop a hunter with a saw in hand right onto it. That being said, some aren’t totally convinced on the merits of this trailer. One of the most liked comments on the video from user djbeema states: “Impressive work, but everything looks way too nice and clean, and it lacks any of the atmosphere of Bloodborne’s locations”. That criticism is correct of course - you cannot splice together different projects and expect to achieve the same tonal consistency the team at From Software is so good at establishing. That being said, you can’t watch this fanmade trailer and not see the appeal. If nothing else, it acts as even more evidence of the gaming communities’ hunger for more Bloodborne. Let us know what you think of the trailer below, and whether you think Unreal Engine 5 is a good fit for a hypothetical sequel. If you’ve finished this article craving more Bloodborne stuff, check out this piece on an Elden Ring mod that adds the Bloodborne dodge to the game, as well as this feature on how the spirit of Bloodborne lives on in Elden Ring.